Is Your HVAC System Ready For Spring?

Is Your HVAC System Ready For Spring?

As we bid adieu to the winter season and welcome spring, it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning and ensuring your HVAC system is ready to handle warmer weather. Beyond switching your thermostat setting from “heat” to “cool,” your HVAC system will need some preventative care in order to ensure it’s ready for the season ahead. Early spring is a great time to look over your system to ensure there aren’t any issues that developed while your AC wasn’t running.

Here, our HVAC company in Gainesville, FL, LIBERTYAIR Air Conditioning & Heating, discusses how to prepare your HVAC system for spring best. Contact us today to schedule air conditioning services for your HVAC system!

Schedule Preventative HVAC Maintenance

The best way to prepare your HVAC system for seasonal changes involves scheduling air conditioner maintenance with LIBERTYAIR Air Conditioning & Heating. Preventative maintenance can help your HVAC system function at peak efficiency, helping to extend your unit’s functional lifespan, reduce operating costs, and prevent unexpected breakdowns. Our HVAC technicians are trained to inspect every part of your AC system and take the required steps to preserve it. We’re always on call to service, diagnose, repair, or replace your AC system. Contact us today to schedule HVAC maintenance for your system.

Change The Air Filters

The air filters are among the most important components of your air conditioning system. The filter is responsible for filtering all of the cooled air produced by your system, removing bacteria, dust, and other airborne contaminants. As the spring season arrives, it’s important to ensure all of the filters in your HVAC system are replaced for your ductless system, furnace, and air return filters. While a ductless filter doesn’t need a replacement as often as an air return filter or furnace, it’s best to ensure all air filters are clean and new for the best system function.

Get A Programmable Thermostat

What better time to incorporate new technology into your cooling system than springtime? A thermostat replacement from LIBERTYAIR Air Conditioning & Heating can optimize your HVAC operation with complete control over your cooling system from the convenience of your smartphone or laptop. Programmable thermostats offer all the features of standard, non programmable thermostats, along with additional features that can increase control and convenience. This device is particularly useful for those interested in energy efficiency practices and for homeowners who are on the go and want to ensure their household is comfortable when they return home. These Smart thermostats allow you to determine what time of day, and even which day of the week, you want the temperature to change.

Clean Out Vents & Registers

Another important step in preparing your air conditioner for spring involves cleaning your air vents and registers. For households with central HVAC systems, pull out the floor registers and thoroughly clean the vents to prepare them for the season. You can use warm soapy water to clean the vents and a vacuum to suck up any debris in the opening of the vent. For households with ductless AC systems, clean the vents at the time you change the air filters in the indoor units. While this step isn’t required for you to operate your system, it will increase system efficiency and prevent any blockages from accumulating and affecting the airflow.

Activate Your HVAC System

Once you’ve had your system tuned up for the spring season and you’ve cleaned and uncovered everything, it’s time to turn on the thermostat to your desired indoor temperature and see how the system runs. In an ideal case, you’ll want to do a system test run before you really need it as temperatures heat up. Don’t wait until a hot, sticky day to ensure your AC is working as it should for the first time since you last used it. If something proves problematic with the system, you’ll have plenty of time to schedule AC repair and have any issues fixed before you really need your system to operate right away.

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