Four Reasons Why Spring HVAC Maintenance Is Important

Four Reasons Why Spring HVAC Maintenance Is Important

Are you thinking about skipping your routine HVAC maintenance appointment? Your system may have operated well throughout the winter but routine tune-ups are vital to maintaining unit function. LIBERTYAIR is the HVAC company Newberry residents rely on, which is why we’re sharing these four reasons why scheduling a springtime tuneup is more important than you may think.

1. Protect Your Investment

An HVAC system is an investment. The return on this investment is a comfortable indoor environment and layer of safety for loved ones, customers or clients. Spring HVAC maintenance allows technicians with LIBERTYAIR to inspect the entire system for issues that have developed and to safeguard against summertime issues. Knowing your system is ready to cool adds value to the home or business and gives you peace-of-mind.

2. Keep Your Warranty Valid

When your heating and cooling unit malfunctions, most home and business owners check the warranty to see if the unit is covered. What some unit owners then discover is yes, the repair is covered by the warranty but only if regular maintenance has been performed by a licensed technician. If the unit hasn’t been routinely serviced by a professional, then the home or business owner is responsible for the full repair cost, a final figure that can be equally shocking.

3. Enhance Indoor Air Quality

As more and more people come to understand the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) and its impact on overall health, take advantage of springtime as it is the perfect time to schedule a maintenance check. Blooming plants and flowers release many common allergens into the air which flows into a home or business. If the system hasn’t been cleaned or maintained, there’s a good chance it won’t be able to properly filter out allergens such as pollen from the air.

4. Take A Proactive Approach

The mild spring weather we experience in Newberry often allows us to turn off the HVAC unit and open the windows for several days. Unfortunately, as the months roll on, humid heat rolls in. Summertime is certainly not the time to require AC repairs in Newberry. So, rather than forgoing a tune-up, calling LIBERTYAIR is a proactive approach that addresses both the heating and cooling areas of the system. Issues that developed during the winter can be addressed long before the furnace is needed again and the central air conditioner receives a thorough checkup before the dog days of summer arrive.

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